Front Axle Scale
Source: Weigh-Right, Inc.
The least expensive truck scale in the industry
The least expensive truck scale in the industryKnow each and every individual axle weight on the truck
Know Gross Vehicle Weight
Obtain accurate weight even under most un-level loading conditions
Earn more revenue per truck
Front axle scales mount to the steer axles of the truck. The frame rail mounting is a reference position for the scale. It bolts to either the passenger or the driver side frame rail in front of the axle spring shackle. WEIGH-RIGHT's front axle scale, unique in the industry, gives you these amazing benefits:
Weigh-Right, Inc., 15 E. 2nd, South Hutchinson, KS 67505. Tel: 316-665-1123; Fax: 316-663-6488.
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