
Material Handling Equipment For Residual Removal

Source: Eco Waste Solutions Inc.
This system is a semi-automatic unit used to drag the residual recyclables and other non-combustible material (such as glass and metal) out of the Primary Chamber
This system is a semi-automatic unit used to drag the residual recyclables and other non-combustible material (such as glass and metal) out of the Primary Chamber. It requires 1 Operator and the typical time for ash removal is ½ hour per Primary Chamber. The unit is designed as a hydraulically operated boom that is outfitted with a very large metal removal blade. The Operator has the use of hand controls to move the blade up and down and forward and backwards. The operating principles are similar to a backhoe machine. Each blade on the Ash unit extends to the full length and width of the Primary Chamber and is retracted to pull the material out. It typically will require 3 – 4 passes by the unit to remove all of the left over debris after a burn cycle is completed. Recyclable materials such as metal and glass may be removed for recycling by incorporating separation conveyors.

Eco Waste Solutions Inc., 5195 Harvester Road, Unit 6, Burlington, ON L7L 6E9. Tel: 905-634-7022; Fax: 905-634-0831.