Tire Recyclers
Source: Multitek, Inc
Tire Recyclers Squeeze out More Profits With new De-Rimming Attachment
Multitek, Inc introduces a patented truck wheel derimmer attachment which mounts to a crawler/excavator or knuckleboom loader. The ideal attachment for landfill operators and tire recyclers. The Model TDH-1424 Truck Wheel Derimmer Attachment permits the machine operator to pick and sort scrap wheel as a grappleā¦then crush the rim and push out the steel wheel to separate the tire and wheel for recycling at the unbelievable rate of 50-60 over the road truck wheels per hour. The unique patented Multitek TDH1424 attachment can process a minimum 14" auto, light truck and heavy truck wheels to a maximum 24" rims (including disc wheels). This attachment will eliminate the heavy lifting and hard labor normally associated with this recycling task. The optional steel table will adapt to a hydraulic belt conveyor for the loading of scrap steel into a truck or stock pile. For further information how you can improve your tire recycling operation with the Multitek Model TDH-1424 Truck Wheel Derimmer please call Multitek at 800.243.5438 or visit us on the web at www. Multitekinc.com
Multitek, Inc, 700 Main St., PO Box 170, Prentice, WI 54556-0170. Tel: 715-428-2000; Fax: 715.428.2700.
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