Bandit Industries Model 3680 Recyclerm
Bandit Industries Model 3680 Recyclerm
Bandit Industries will feature its Model 3680 Beast Recyclerm at Waste Expo'97. The unit is designed for reducing and recycling a wide variety of materials, including pallets, railroad ties, sawmill and logging waste, and green waste (stumps, trees, brush, leaves and grass). It also handles materials associated with construction and housing demolition as well as such more difficult materials as palm waste, newspaper (wet or dry) and cardboard.
The Model 3680's cuttermill has carbide cutters that attach to holders shaped like saw teeth. A complete set of cutters reportedly can be changed in approximately 30 minutes. The swinging cutter holders provide some protection of the cutting bits while regulating the length of cut. This design principle is said to reduce power requirements and fuel consumption.
The Model 3680 has a 30- by 60-in. opening and a feed system that controls the flow of material into the cutting mechanism. A series of augers, located underneath the cuttermill, retrieves material that carries around the infeed conveyer, reducing material discharged to the ground. A variety of screens is available for product sizing. The unit has a foldable (for transport) 30-x 4 foot-wide belt discharge conveyor having a discharge height of 17 1/2 feet. Options include a magnetic-head pulley to extract metal from the processed material and a choice of Cummins, Cat and John Deere 350- to 400-hp power units.
The Model 3680 requires no permits. Production from the Model 3680 depends on the type of material being processed and generally ranges from 20 to 75 tons per hour of finished product.
Stop by Waste Expo '97, booth # 4277, or call or write Bandit Industries, 6750 Millbrook Road, Remus, Ml 49340-9600. Tel: (800) 952-0978.