
Blowing System

Source: rexius express blowers
Using a feed system said to yield no waste, the Express Blower is designed to spread large amounts of organic materials
Using a feed system said to yield no waste, the Express Blower is designed to spread large amounts of organic materials such as bark, sawdust, playground chips, compost, seed mixes and other landscaping materials. Each unit contains a dust suppression system that eliminates problems associated with blowing dry, dusty products. It can be operated by one person using remote control. Specifications include:
• individual hose sections of 4- or 5-in. diameter
• onboard hose lengths up to 300 ft
• additional hoses that extend blowing to 800 ft

Rexius Express Blower, 750 Chambers Street, Eugene, OR 97402. Tel: 541-342-1835; Fax: 541-343-4802