
Brake Power 2

Source: Kimball Midwest
Brake Power 2 is a non-chlorinated brake parts cleaner
  • Non-chlorinated brake parts cleaner that actually outperforms conventional brake cleaning solvents.
  • Provides all the performance of traditional brake parts cleaners with an environmentally safer formula.
  • Fast, powerful formula degreases instantly to remove brake fluid, grease, oil and other contaminates from brake parts.
  • Dries fast.
  • Leaves no residue.
  • Powerful, fast, effective, environmentally safer.
  • Flammable formula – not for use on hot surfaces, around flame or other combustion sources or sparks.
  • Kimball Midwest, 582 W. Goodale St., Columbus, OH 43215. Tel: 614-228-6701; Fax: 614-228-6760.