CT-5 Small Volume Compost System
Source: Ag-Bag Environmental
The design of the CT-5 was developed for the smaller volume operator and incorporates a hydraulic ram that pushes the
Ag-Bag Environmentalof the CT-5 was developed for the smaller volume operator and incorporates a hydraulic ram that pushes the material through the filling chamber and into the plastic tube called the EcoPOD (Preferred Organic Digester). The feed hopper will hold approximately 3.5 yd. of material at one fill. Pushing the hydraulic ram forward and leaving it extended against the material will effectively leave the product sealed for aeration purposes. Retracting the ram leaves it ready for another load.
An air receiver tank on the machine holds the perforated pipe for feeding into the EcoPOD. This allows it to be aerated, and odor controlled, at any stage of filling. If it takes longer than a month to fill, the start end is further along the composting cycle than the finish end and it will take longer for the total tube to mature. This is the only system available to do small batches on a continuing basis.
<%=company%>, 2320 SE Ag-Bag Lane, Warrenton, OR 97146. Tel: 800-334-7432
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