Design Software
Evaluate the depth of cut and fill between two models with contours. Users can specify an interval or a specific elevation. By using Quick Depth Contours, users can preview depth contours before they become a permanent part of the drawing. In many cases, users want to evaluate the site for drainage control problems or steep slopes. With slope analysis, they can set up ranges of slopes and easily view those ranges in the drawing. To aid in visually determining high and low points on the site, they can also annotate closed contours for the direction of flow. New enhancements to this software include:
Utilize new slope projection commands to handle a variety of complex slope projection situations
Offset 3-D (varied elevation) geometry to help minimize surface model "fine tuning" while maximizing surface model accuracy
Coordinate Tracking command provides users with x, y and z information while they perform any other design operation
Easily create 3-D ditches, dikes and detention ponds, etc., by simply defining cut and fill slopes from a line or closed line
Specify the interval of slope projections or allow Site Design to find the optimum intersections, giving users full control of objects; the slope projection routine projects slopes and then forms a catch line by connecting their endpoints
2-D features, such as roadway centerlines, R.O.W. lines, lot lines, building outlines, as well as inserted blocks and cells, are projected vertically (draped) to the surface of any selected TIN
3-D presentation drawings show features at the surface elevation
Eagle Point Software, 4131 Westmark Drive, Dubuque, IA 52002-2627. Tel: 319-556-8392; Fax: 319-556-5321.