Greenhouse Gas Performance Software
This system's methodology consists of two key components: data collection and automatic report building. The Data collection allows reporting entities to collect their performance data on an ongoing basis. This data is integrated and consolidated to the parent company through a mapping system. The automatic report building offers customizable, intelligent performance and trend reports. The reports are generated based on rules embedded in the software for internal, external, and compliance reporting.
The system includes a fully scaleable database of greenhouse gas performance indicators, as well as the units and standard conversion rates for each. It features data import and direct data entry capabilities organized into an auditable journal system that allow data to be linked automatically to greenhouse gas reports for energy use, transport-related, specialist process, and air conditioning and refrigeration emissions. All data can be updated in real time and normalized for comparison purposes across any level of a company. A data-warehousing module can be added to the software, and key worksheets for ISO 1400 compliance are provided. The software also includes an optional data quality system and diagnostic performance reports directly generated from the database. It comes with a Wizard designed to allow users to set up their greenhouse gas performance system efficiently.
<%=company%>, 145 King Street East, Suite 200, Toronto, ON, CANADA; phone: (416) 363-5577; fax: (416) 367-2653