
In-Line Induction Unit

In-Line Induction Unit
The In-Line "IL" series Water Champ is designed for installation through a corporation/ wet tap arrangement
N/A In-Line "IL" series Water Champ is designed for installation through a corporation/ wet tap arrangement. This type of Water Champ system eliminates downtime during construction. N/A Water Champ was classified as a Category 4 mixing device at a Water Environmental Federation's Disinfection conference. The "IL" Titanium propeller has a lifetime warranty. N/A model numbers specify the horsepower: ILWC2 Series, ILWC3 Series, ILWC5 Series, ILWC7.5 Series, ILWC10 Series, ILWC15 Series, ILWC20 Series.

<%=company%>, P.O. Box 389, Bradley, IL 60915-0389 Phone: 800-882-6466; Fax: 815-932-1760