Industrial Floor Topping
Source: Master Builders, Inc.
Mastertop 300 Anvil-Top is an industrial floor topping designed to provide extended working time and heavy-duty protection against abrasion and impact
Master Builders, Inc.00 Anvil-Top is an industrial floor topping designed to provide extended working time and extra heavy-duty protection against abrasion and impact. It can be applied over new or existing concrete to give a long service life, as well as in areas subject to heavy traffic, impact, abrasion, and continuous wear such as loading docks, aisles, waste transfer facilities, and truck or tractor repair areas. This topping features a five to seven in. slump screedable consistency, high compressive strength, high density, and protection against joint deterioration..
<%=company%>, 23700 Chagrin Blvd, Cleveland, OH 44122-5554; phone: 800-MBT-9990; fax: 216-831-6910
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