Municiple Waste System
Source: DBM Systems
The Municipal Waste System is designed to automate the tracking and billing of solid waste. This application tracks the origin and destination of all solid waste. The user can define refuse classes and their associated rates. All credit accounts are defined in the system and have a defined credit limit. Vehicles are associated with accounts, and the system retains their tare weight. Also included is recyclable tracking data to assist the user in determining the success of their recycling programs.
This application is ideally suited to facilities with multiple solid waste collection sites. The Municipal Waste System includes a complete financial module for account inquiry, printing statemeIntegration
„h nts, and retaining a complete history of charges and receipts. Municipal Waste System has been managing the largest waste authority in North Carolina for over 10 years consisting of multiple counties and multiple cities.
The Municipal Waste System (MWS) software is designed to automate the tracking and billing of solid waste from the scale house to the finance department. This software includes ticket processing, complete billing/collections, reports, and graphs. All tickets and payments are processed in real-time resulting in accurate up-to-the-minute reports.
The MWS software also tracks recyclables to assist users in determining the success of their recycling programs. All of this and more is included in an easy-to-use Touch Screen Microsoft® Windows® user interface.
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