Pollution Prevention Technologies in Enforcement Settlements
Pollution Prevention Technologies in Enforcement Settlements
The U.S. EPA has published, "Identification of Pollution Prevention (P2) Technologies for Possible Inclusion in Enforcement Agreements Using Supplemental Environmental Projects and Injunctive Relief." The report describes an approach for identifying and applying promising technologies for eight industrial sectors, processes and product lines than can be apart of enforcement settlements. It was cooperatively prepared by the Center for Technology, Policy and Industrial Development at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Funding came from the EPA's Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance. The report encourages the use of pollution prevention to achieve and maintain compliance with environmental requirements.
The report (document number EPA-300-R-97-00) is available from: the National Center for Environmental Publications and Information in Cincinnati, OH, Tel: (800) 490-9198; or the National Technical Information Service in Springfield, VA, Tel: (703) 487-4650; or the net: http://www.epa.gov/oeca.