Public Affairs
Source: JK Environmental Solutions
For a private sector client, created a medical waste management newsletter featuring timely reports on subjects such as the difference between waste assessments and audits, bloodborne pathogen regulations, DOT packaging standards, and waste manifesting.
Public Affairs:
- For a private sector client, created a medical waste management newsletter featuring timely reports on subjects such as the difference between waste assessments and audits, bloodborne pathogen regulations, DOT packaging standards, and waste manifesting.
- Co-managed a series of Florida editorial board meetings with IWSA and SWANA members.
- Co-founded the AIMS Coalition (ASME, IWSA, MWMA, and SWANA) to conduct advocacy outreach, provide a technical forum, and generate joint publications.
- Managed the development of a health risk communications white paper by the AIMS Coalition and secured 45,000 pre-publication orders.
- Managed, co-managed, or contributed to most IWSA public affairs activities, press releases, rapid media responses, and public relations documents.
- Managed the development & implementation of the IWSA 1993 and 1994 advertising campaigns.
Quoted in newspapers, journals, and on radio. Samples include:
- American Health Association News - Civil Engineering
- Sutherland Leader (Australia) - USA Today
- Hazmat News - Voice Of America
- Infectious Waste News - Wall Street Journal
- MIX106.5 News Radio (Sidney, Australia) - Washington Post
JK Environmental Solutions, 816 Wild Cherry Lane, Harrisonburg, VA 22801. Tel: 540-432-6497; Fax: 540-434-8887.
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