Sustainable Landfill
Source: Environmental Control Systems, Inc.
The Sustainable Landfill is designed to be an asset rather
The Sustainable Landfill is designed to be an asset rather than a liability. This landfill utilizes a patented aerobic process that stabilizes solid waste rapidly. This system treats landfill material in situ by injecting the proper concentrations of air and moisture directly into the waste. Degradation takes place over one to three years, and produces non-toxic materials that can be mined, recovered or reused. According to the manufacturer, this opens up additional airspace, between 80 and 90%, sustaining the life of the facility, increasing revenues and/or virtually eliminating the need and expense to site, permit, design and build new landfills. Additional features include:
Eliminates methane gas production, showing results within four weeks
Eliminates leachate disposal in over 95% of landfills
Eliminates VOCs as well as greenhouse gas and other typical odors
Engineered to eliminate existing groundwater contamination
Data based 24-hr. monitoring
Environmental Control Systems, Inc., 1120 Edgefield Highway, Aiken, SC 29801. Tel: 803-643-1755; Fax: 803-643-1756.
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