Supplier News
Case Study: Explosion-Proof Electric Anchor Pump And Electric Control Panel Improve Landfill Gas Capture
Landfill gas collection and control, leachate recirculation and liquid application are critical to bioreactor landfills designed to maximize environmental recovery. In 2000, the Salem County Utilities Authority Landfill Facility (SCUA) in Alloway, N.J., began recirculating leachate within its landfill mass
Case Study: Piston Pumping Solutions - Gas Well
A major Industrial District/Recycling Disposal Facility, located in Illinois, consists of a municipal and hazardous waste site, which also has an active biosoil, leachate recovery and gas recovery operation for the wastes generated by the population of the southeast Chicagoland metropolitan area
Case Study: Piston Pumping Solutions - Sampling
High standards are imperative when you’re operating a municipal solid waste landfill handling 325,000 tons of waste generated annually by a population of more than 115,000 people living in a region famed for its highly scenic environment
Case Study: Piston Pumping Solutions - Coal Tar DNAPL Recovery
In the realm of contaminated site remediation and source recovery, coal tar has reigned as one of the most stubborn substances to remove in quantity from the subsurface. Time and again, this thick, sticky, viscous liquid with the consistency of molasses has thwarted efforts to remove it from below ground areas at the 30-acre Calhoun Park Area Superfund Site in the burgeoning, historic harbor district of Charleston, SC. That is, until persistence and the decision to use the Blackhawk Piston Pump to do the cleanup paid off
Case Study: Piston Pumping Solutions - DNAPL Recovery
Thick, viscous, oily, and sticky coal tar tops the list in the field of contaminated site remediation and source recovery when it comes to being the ugliest and most stubborn substance to clean up in quantity. Due to the difficult nature of coal tar, initial recovery efforts at the 30-acre Calhoun Park Area Superfund Site in the historic harbor district in Charleston, SC, which began in 1998, were skimpy and sporadic until March 2001, when a Blackhawk Electric Piston Pump was brought in to do the job
Case Study: Piston Pumping Solutions - LNAPL Recovery
On July 30, 2003, gasoline sprayed 50 feet into the air near a large city in the United States contaminating soil and groundwater as the result of a break in the pipeline used by a major U.S. pipeline partnership to transport fuel
Case Study: Anchor Pump Successfully Recovers Creosote Oil From 250 Feet Well
BLACKHAWK ENVIRONMENTAL COMPANY’S Anchor Pump was used to successfully recover creosote oil from a 100-year-old wood preserving operation that produced wood products
Case Study: Blackhawk's Anchor Pump® For Tough DNAPL Recovery
BLACKHAWK ENVIRONMENTAL COMPANY’S Anchor Pump, positive displacement piston pump, effectively cleans up and recovers Dense Non-Aqueous Phase Liquids (DNAPL). Typically DNAPL is found in 20’ to 120’ deep wells with DNAPL often residing in the bottom few feet or inches of the well
Case Study: Piston Pumping Solutions - Slideslope
Why would anyone need to go to such great length to pump landfill leachate? Outside the burgeoning Sacramento metropolitan area, the terrain is so flat that the Placer County, Calif. mixed solid-waste landfill is the sum of 14 modular landfills, 6 out of the 14 have been filled up to 60 feet above grade and created by excavating 45 feet down into the land
Case Study: Blackhawk Explosion-Proof Anchor Pump Handles Explosive Situation With Aplomb
A top-tier gas and power marketer in the U.S. and a Fortune 500 company takes its role as a corporate citizen and innovator in energy solutions seriously, working to protect the environment and to support the communities where the energy company works and lives
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