Ecosorb Odor Neutralizer
Ecosorb® products use natural ingredients to eliminate industrial smells without the need for harsh chemicals or masking fragrances.
Georgia Wastewater Utility Credits Ecosorb For Significant Reduction In Odor Complaints
The Douglasville-Douglas County Water and Sewer Authority (WSA) has been delivering award-winning water and wastewater service to more than 90,000 Douglas County residents for over 17 years. On the flip side from its numerous accolades, WSA began hearing complaints coming from the neighbors about nuisance odors.
Turning Sour Landfill Gas Into Sweet Electricity
The Pollution Control Financing Authority of Warren County (PCFAWC) owns and operates a regional landfill for the disposal of non-hazardous solid wastes in northwestern New Jersey. From 1998 to 2004, the PCFAWC utilized construction and demolition (C&D) debris screenings in significant quantities as alternate daily landfill cover.
White Paper: Turning Sour Landfill Gas Into Sweet Electricity
The Pollution Control Financing Authority of Warren County (PCFAWC) selected the LO-CAT process when a LFG sulfur scrubbing system was needed to achieve the required H2S concentration. This paper discusses the specific challenges encountered during construction and system operation. By Merichem Company
Cost-Effective Technologies For Removing H2S From Landfill Gas
Many landfills are experiencing higher hydrogen sulfide (H2S) concentrations in landfill gas as a result of increased inputs of C&D (construction and demolition) debris and the use of C&D fines as an alternate daily cover. By D. Graubard, William Rouleau, and Jean Bogner, Merichem
White Paper: Cost-Effective Technologies For Removing H2S From Landfill Gas
Many landfills are experiencing higher hydrogen sulfide (H2S) concentrations in landfill gas as a result of increased inputs of C&D (construction and demolition) debris and the use of C&D fines as an alternate daily cover. Iron-redox systems provide the lowest operating costs and are now operating in three landfills in the United States, with more in the planning stages. By D. Graubard, William Rouleau, and Jean Bogner, Merichem
White Paper: Removing H2S From SynGas
In the past decade, Japan’s rapidly dwindling landfill capacity encouraged development of projects aimed at the gasification of municipal and industrial solid waste. The push to reduce dependence on traditional solid waste disposal methods combined with the continuing search for clean, flexible alternative fuel and chemical feedstock sources justified a renewed focus on gasification of solid waste by a variety of industries and municipalities. By John Watson and Kenneth Jones, Merichem
Removing H2S From SynGas
In the past decade, Japan’s rapidly dwindling landfill capacity encouraged development of projects aimed at the gasification of municipal and industrial solid waste. The push to reduce dependence on traditional solid waste disposal methods combined with the continuing search for clean, flexible alternative fuel and chemical feedstock sources justified a renewed focus on gasification of solid waste by a variety of industries and municipalities. By John Watson and Kenneth Jones, Merichem
The LO-CAT® process is a patented, wet scrubbing, liquid redox system that uses a chelated iron solution to convert H2S to innocuous, elemental sulfur. It does not use any toxic chemicals and does not produce any hazardous waste byproducts. The catalyst is readily available and since it’s continuously regenerated in the process, less catalyst is used, more money is saved.
Application Note: Handheld Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Used As An Authentication Technology For Pharmaceuticals
Near infrared diffuse reflectance is a rapid, non-invasive method of investigating pharmaceutical raw materials and finished forms. By F. G. Haibach