Supplier News
Eriez® Unveils New Recycling Equipment And Expanded Space
Eriez®, an authority in advanced technology for magnetic, vibratory and inspection applications, welcomed customers, local dignitaries and media personnel to its Erie, Pa. World Headquarters on Wednesday June 14, 2007 to tour the recently added 30,000 square foot expansion and see the company’s newest innovation for the recycling industry, the ProSort Airless Metal Sorter, in operation
Ready Or Not, Here It Comes - New Anti-Terrorism Legislation Has A Direct Effect On U.S. Warehouses And Distribution Centers
Traceability. It has been a hot issue for a while, and it’s only getting hotter. In December of 2004, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration issued final regulations (specifically Section 306 of the Bioterrorism Act) requiring every warehouse or distribution center – regardless of size – that transports, distributes, receives, holds or imports any kind of food to maintain records to show where that product came from and where it’s going to
The Case For Integrated Processes
Based on research and documented case studies, it is clear that companies are realizing significant value by developing integrated processes across the enterprise. This white paper discusses what integrated processes are, how they create value, specific cases of companies succeeding with integrated processes, as well as a checklist to determine how integrated your own company’s processes are. Submitted by SAP Americas
Gas Technology Products LLC Announces New Alliance With Landfills+ Inc.
Gas Technology Products (GTP) and Landfills+ Inc. have entered into an alliance dedicated to designing and installing environmentally friendly systems for the recovery, treatment and use of landfill gas
A State-Of-The-Art Retail Solution For A Cutting-Edge Market
Your Dekalb Farmers Market installed 70 Ishida SR-2000a price computing scales throughout the store as a fully-customized (RF enabled) price computing system. Submitted by Rice Lake Weighing Systems
Weight Cleaning Procedures
It is essential that weights being calibrated as well as the standards used be clean if the calibration is to be accurate and meaningful. Therefore, a cleaning procedure should be considered as a part of every calibration. Submitted by Rice Lake Weighing Systems
Properties Of Magnetism In Mass Standards
A number of issues surrounding the measurement of magnetism in mass measurement has created frustration for mass calibration laboratories and for accreditation bodies. NCSLI recently met to bring together interested parties to discuss issues with the intent of coming to some resolutions on how to handle the various issues. Submitted by Rice Lake Weighing Systems
Accurate Weight Data Leads To Detailed Progress Tracking
HealthSouth is taking great "strides" in stroke and spinal cord rehabilitation with a revolutionary new device that simulates walking — the AutoAmbulator™. HealthSouth incorporated an RL1250 load cell into the AutoAmbulator's design to provide weight data that helps detail patient progress. Submitted by Rice Lake Weighing Systems
Herbal Manufacturer Gets A Healthier Process
Quality, productivity, and efficiency are driving factors for Alpine Health Products because supplement manufacturing is highly-competitive and demands absolute precision. Quality Assurance Manager Neil Call is always interested in making the manufacturing processes at Alpine Health Products even better. After a year of watching issuers at the plant hand write labels, Call sought an easier way. Submitted by Rice Lake Weighing Systems
Pursuing Manufacturing Excellence through Real-time Performance Management and Continuous Improvement
Manufacturers are feeling new pressure on their operations coming from many directions. In many companies, it falls to IT to envision new business possibilities in concert with the technologies needed to realize them. At the same time, the usual job of reducing the cost of doing business through increased efficiency and productivity cannot be ignored. This paper outlines how modern solutions can support both strategies at the same time. Submitted by SAP Americas.
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